SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online)

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SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online)

About SciELO Program

SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) is an Open Science infrastructure program focused on improving research communication through nationally published journals.

Launched in 1998, SciELO is a pioneering Open Access program that operates in two dimensions of research communication: as a public policy to improve nationally published journals in all subject areas that are progressively aligned with Open Science modus operandi, and as an international technical cooperation program and common space for collective learning of Open Science modus operandi.

The SciELO program is implemented through the SciELO Publishing Model, which includes policies, methodologies and technologies to operate state-of-the-art collections of research communication objects: national collections of high quality Open Access journals present in 17 countries, publishing more than 1300 journals (SciELO Argentina, SciELO Bolivia, SciELO Brazil, etc.), the SciELO Preprints Server, the SciELO Data repository of research data underlying articles and preprints, SciELO Books. In addition, SciELO promotes options for opening up the peer review process.


The SciELO & RDA

The SciELO program is committed to adhering to the FAIR principles.  As a meta-publisher, SciELO contributes to the development of journal editorial policies, management and operations in line with Open Science best practices. SciELO has worked with national repositories to promote Open Science and to encourage researchers and editors to adopt its practices, which support the integrity and reproducibility of research results through the availability of data.

SciELO is committed to working more closely with RDA groups to develop guidelines and recommendations to help researchers, editors and journals indexed by the SciELO network adopt best practices in Open Science.

To this end, SciELO will be a contributor to and beneficiary of the RDA work.

South America