Martine Pronk

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Ms Martine Pronk

Member since: 07/14/2023 - 13:46
Professional title: 
Other (professional title): 
Executive director
Organization name: 
LIBER Europe
Organization type: 
Other (please specify) - obligatory
The Hague

Short Bio

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Martine Pronk is Executive Director of LIBER Europe where she is responsible for the coordination and implementation of LIBER’s strategic actions, the management of the LIBER Office, and to help advocate for LIBER members on a European level. Previously she worked more than 8 years at Utrecht University Library. In her role as head of Academic Services and member of the senior management team, she held strategic responsibility for research and education support services, including in the field of Open Science. Martine has a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and an Executive Master in Public and Non-Profit Management. Previously, she held management positions in the field of public libraries and employability and has a total of 18 years of leadership experience.

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