International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI)

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International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI)

About International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI)

The International Council for Scientific and Technical Information, as an affiliate of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and an international not-for-profit membership organisation, facilitates cooperation among all stakeholders engaged in the scientific communication process with the aim of improving the effectiveness of scientific research without politicised or commercially driven agenda. Its priorities are guided by the needs and demands of its diverse membership constituencies, but consistently focus on the enabling of innovation, the impact and potential of new technologies on science communication, the demands of ‘next generation’ information creators/users, and data in all its aspects. ICSTI provides a forum for the exchange of experience, expertise and understanding and creates opportunity for collaboration across the STEM communities.


ICSTI was proud to support and host the launch of DataCite and ever since has been concerned, with its immediate peer organisations, World Data Service and CODATA, and its scientific union members, to address issues of data integrity, versioning, discovery, preservation, access, integration, and re-use. ICSTI will hope to contribute to and benefit from the collective resource and focus of RDA, in an open science context; discipline specific and country/region issues related to data are of interest to the ICSTI membership.
