Catherine Cramer

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Ms Catherine Cramer

Member since: 09/26/2022 - 13:38
Professional title: 
Programme Manager/Project Manager
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
STEM Education
Organization name: 
San Diego Supercomputer Center
Organization type: 
San Diego
United States

Short Bio

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Catherine Cramer works at the intersection of data-driven science and learning as it pertains to the understanding of complexity and its application to data and network sciences, with a focus on underrepresented communities, developing tools and programs for the teaching and learning of complex network and data science. She was a founder of the Network Literacy and Network Science in Education movements, is on the Board of the Network Science Society, and is co-editor of the Springer volume Network Science in Education. She works with West Big Data Innovation Hub and San Diego Supercomputer Center on data science education initiatives.

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